Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I've tried 3 times to try and write this post but it's been hard to put into words
the special day we got to be a part of on Saturday...

So...the best thing for you to do is read this post, written by my BFF...
then come back and look at the rest of the pics! :)
Rissa thought we were all at the beach to celebrate her mom's birthday.
This was one of the last pictures I took before she finally noticed David and realized what was happening. I LOVE David's silliness in the background!
She was truly shocked and surprised to see him...but she gave him a huge hug.
I'm not sure what he was saying here but she was captivated!
I think it might have been something sweet...
This was her reaction when he got down on one knee...
Rissa's whole family was there and I think this was the moment after the proposal
when they finally remembered everyone was there! :)
While David was proposing my sweet little girl was writing about love in the sand...
Celebrating with mom...
It was so cute...within minutes of the proposal they were texting and facebooking and calling friends.
I loved that David was taking a picture of the ring to share with everyone....
I think this is my favorite picture of the day. Laurissa was SO HAPPY...
My kiddos think Laurissa and David are the best thing since sliced bread
so they thought the whole thing was pretty cool!
Thank you, Rissa and David, for letting us be a part of your amazing day!!
We love you both!


Thepearsonfamilee said...

Okay. Now you nedd to hop on over here and give me a hug and a box of tissues. Speechless, really. It is beautiful and you captured every emotion...your gift is priceless and so is your friendship. LOVE YOU!

Nana of the bride to be said...

These photos are amazing! I too was filled with emotion and had to stop several times to wait for the tears in my eyes to clear.

Jessica said...

Amazing photos, Kim! You captured the emotions so well and they will be thrilled to have these to look back on and share with their children as they tell the story. That one of Laurissa and Caleb with David in the background is PRICELESS.

PS - Your kids are just too cute and getting so big!

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