Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Hubby and I have never been big fans of Valentines Day - it's just kind of a silly holiday all-around! Don't get me wrong, I love to decorate and go all out for the kids, but we're just not a dozen-roses, go-out-to-expensive-dinner kind of couple on Valentines Day!

This year I decided we should celebrate our Titaniversary instead, which is TODAY! 11 years ago today we had our very first date - the date that started it all! We went and saw Titanic....WHAT A MOVIE FOR A FIRST DATE!!! HA! I had all sorts of cool plans for today...nothing turned out quite as I had envisioned but we ended up having a fun time anyway.

HAPPY TITANIVERSARY, babe! Love you much!!!

_mg_3365-1_edited-1(PHOTO BY JAZ)


Jessica B said...

LOVE the title of your anniversary. Happy titaniversary to the sweetest, kindest couple ever!

PS - the first date I ever went on was to see Titanic. My mom drove us...gosh, that dates me, huh?!!

Mindy said...

Congratulations! I read that the traditional 11th year gift is STEEL... interesting, huh?

Jessica said...

WOW, I can't believe you can remember that - tell me you have the ticket stub and that's how you remember!!! :) Impressive!!

Mom said...

What fun! It is so much more fun to create your own celebration than to give in to the hallmark hoopla! But I must admit that I have pink M & M cookies in the oven and will get them in the mail to R & B today!
(And Jessica, she DOES have the ticket stub displayed in a frame in her house!! How sweet is that?!?!)

Nana said...

How"SWEET" love can be when you take that little extra effort. It is always there, we just need to be creative. CONGRATS!!!!!

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